We provide a safe, inclusive environment to help you explore the challenges of life and learning through:
These services are provided at no charge to currently-enrolled, degree-seeking UW students thanks to support by the Services and Activities Fee. You can learn more about our services in our mental health matters flier: Mental Health Matters.
Schedule an appointment through the Student Portal today!

Individual counseling
We provide short-term counseling, averaging 4-6 sessions. These are scheduled based on your availability and need. While you may seek counseling for a variety of reasons, some topics appropriate for short-term counseling include:
- Managing mood and thoughts
- Navigating life transitions
- Relationship support
- Managing time and academic stress
- Identity development and self-advocacy
Workshops and outreach presentations
Check back in to get information on our planned workshops being offered remotely or interested in the Counseling Center.
Please visit the Training and Outreach Request page for a full list of trainings and outreach request from the Counseling Center and other campus partners.
Consultation services
If a faculty, staff, parent or peer is concerned about a student’s mental health, the Counseling Center provides consultation on how to support a student in distress, and if needed, how to make a referral to campus resources.
Crisis services
If you feel you need immediate assistance due to being in crisis, the Counseling Center provides urgent care meetings. Some examples of crisis or urgent situations include:
- Feeling like you may end your life
- Feeling like you may seriously harm yourself or another person
- Death of a loved one
- Physical or sexual assault, stalking, relationship violence
- Hearing voices
- Not being able to function due to extreme psychological distress
Crisis meetings focus on helping you cope with immediate stressors that are reducing your ability to function and determining helpful next steps. You will be asked to complete a few forms so that we may help you as efficiently and as effectively as possible.